What is Homeschool?

Homeschool is, quite literally, school that takes place at home. But what does that actually mean?

  • It means that parents get to have direct influence on what their children are and are not taught.
  • It means that you get to pass on your unique worldview to your child – what you want them to learn in school besides reading and math.
  • It means that you can create your own schedule and your own way of doing things, that will best help your children – because who can know them better than you?
  • It means that you no longer have to wonder what in the world happened at school – because school occurred right in the safety of your own home.
  • It means that bullying, harassment, and the mimicking of bad behavior can all be avoided. (Or at least minimized, siblings do have a way of terrorizing one another 😉.)
  • It means that government propaganda doesn’t have to enter your child’s mind.
  • It means that the state can’t influence your children with ideals you don’t agree with.
  • It means that your children will not be held back by slower peers, or pushed ahead by quicker peers. They will get to learn at the speed best suited for them.
  • It means freedom.

Homeschool doesn’t mean:

  • Your children will not get social interaction ever again – They will definitely get social interaction, it just won’t be at school! (Think summer camps, clubs, sports, extracurricular activities, 4H, etc. Also, most states allow homeschoolers to play on public school sports teams.)
  • You yourself, as the parent, will die – whether death for you means not having any time to yourself, having to teach your children calculus, or going broke buying textbooks, I can assure your survival! The Ron Paul Curriculum is 98% self-taught above grade three, and there are no textbooks to buy, (plus there is a 100% money-back guarantee.)
  • Your child will become stupid – Not true! Homeschoolers are actually statistically smarter than their public school peers. Here’s a screenshot to prove it:

Prepping for College

Worried that homeschoolers can’t go to college? Don’t be! The Ron Paul Curriculum is actually designed to make college cheaper and faster for you. How? Through CLEP exams. Click here to find out more.

For me personally, I intend to be able to enter college as a junior right after I graduate high school. Sounds pretty nice, right? What’s more, it’ll actually be cheaper and easier than attending those first two years of college. It will give me the ability to get out and into the world, (and job market), two years earlier than most of my peers. What’s more, I will be able to avoid, (and avoid paying for), the generic, boring undergrad classes that aren’t even related to my degree. Here’s how.

This may sound a bit unrealistic, I know. However, it has actually been done before, and done better. One of the RPC students got his bachelor’s degree on his 18th birthday. For less than 13K. You can find the story here.

“Well, that’s all fine and dandy,” you might say, “but you still have to pass a crazy amount of college level exams without taking the class first! Is that even possible?!” Yes, yes it is possible. I myself have already taken and passed four CLEP exams.

Of course, I have a huge leg up because I am a student of the Ron Paul Curriculum, and taking their classes is basically the same as taking college classes. The professors, (and they are professors), actually want their students to take the CLEPs, and their courses help prepare these students.

There are also many online resources, including study guides, practice exams, flash cards, and more. In addition to that, you can order CLEP study guides in order to have a real paper textbook to study.

All in all, being homeschooled certainly doesn’t have to take college away from you. In fact, with the Ron Paul Curriculum, college is quicker, cheaper, and easier.

To Extend Summer…

You know how those last few weeks of school seem to just creep by? What if you could hurry up and finish all those end-of-year assignments? What if you could get out of school faster? If you are homeschooled, you can. I have the freedom to do as many, (or as few), classes a day as I want. That gives me complete control over the length of my school year!